The Death Thread


I swear, if my next character dies at below 5k total fame, i start ppes


I am big sad. :frowning:


b r u h


sad cause bad


And i thought i was being tilted


so apparantly the shrinking shaitan arena might leave you standing in lava with seemingly no warning




Outside of events, being mrunibro or japan, Shia tan is officially impossible


F that happened to my scrotum knight too


Also my 6/8 ninja ppe




writing ā€œtpā€ while being chased by a mob of pirates; brain just stopped working for a second there


lost a max def wizard instantly upon teleportation in the mwood, cause of that giant green fairy, I was max healt.


pretty self explanatory didnā€™t know where I was going with darkness on, I kind of miss him


And thus ends the reign, of the immortal archer.

Forum Giveaway PART 2! (ENDED)

Ouch. What next for you?


Quit the game.

I have another entropy set, soā€¦LETā€™S DO IT AGAIN!


And maybe youā€™ll even get QoT this time!


My face when I realize my alien leather didnā€™t workā€¦

fine print
Takes a second or two to kick in; does not work on instakills.



Alas poor wilhuff. I knew him