The Death Thread


2/8 necro almost 3/8
716 fame

Especially frustrated with this one as I was entering a UDL and stuck on the loading screen, then once I enter it immediately sends me to the death screen. Never had a chance to move or fight back, just got killed while waiting for the dungeon to load. What’s the point of trying to upgrade a character when you can get killed and lose it all while on the loading screen.


cutie had 2(?) accounts, shoobop and shoobops.
the cutie we know used to be shoobops, thats why the name for shoobop didn’t change


Rip @PrimeGrind. Got instaed by the last boss.


that instakill potential is so stupid.
@PrimeGrind im sorry for your death


What dungeon is that?


thats katalund, the yellow alien dungeon


8/8 knight dead to tarul’s mouth
“Would this kill me if I stood on it?”
“Oh shit I guess so”


Ah, I hadn’t gone into a katalund


its quite fun, other than bs instakill potential of the last boss, and the annoyingly long paralyze duration of some of the enemies.


got killed by a trap…


I got to the third round, but the 2nd wave’s Neo Larveye got me. Attempted to safespot, after eating half its shotgun w/o my def ring, and…then misstood, alas.
Oh, well - a fun Sin PPE while it lasted.


was fun while it lasted lol. computer completely froze for like 5 seconds and i couldnt close out or anything. lots of laughs were had atleast


…I shouldn’t play RotMG while I’m sleepy

hugged lotll lmfao
(idc about the items, just first 8/8 in a while… Back to not rushing ;(


rip cute bunny proc


in 1 shot

o1 op


Which phase?


Dance, lost the actual grave ss but there were a bunch of 6/8s.



Name checks out.


Went back on flash just for a bit and lagged on top of boss. RIP


It happened.
I knew it would happen.
Only a couple weeks after I decided to start using my Resu and Ogmur.
The Ogmur I got 6 years ago as a blue star.
I knew it would happen eventually, but was hoping it wouldn’t be so soon.

Got confused, made me back away just enough to miss my stun, but not far enough to avoid the shotgun.
RIP Ogmur, Resu, Reskin cutlass, Deca.

Maybe I can get another knight like that after another 8 years of playing.