The Death Thread


this is the 2nd time i’ve died with an ogmur. and it wasn’t even my fault this time. i crossed a few seconds before beams hit me, 3 seconds later i die in the middle of the horde of players. smh shite servers i wasn’t even lagging.


Popped by a Sun. Again. That was my 2nd 7/8 Huntress. Forth 7/8 death in this week.

Welp, RIP CBow and DBow again. And my 2nd Nile.

Need to learn how to deal with Sun’s phase.


I know, right? Rotating with the suns feels very random to me. It might not be, but sometimes I get in and almost sit on Oryx and take no damage, and other times, I need to dash out or even nexus in the first couple of seconds. I’ve always danced better than withstand the power of his suns…


Deca seriously need to implement practice dungeons.


They have! It’s called: “Public Testing.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Except they only last couple days. And WC cannot be easily accessed.

Let me tack an “/s” on that real fast… -Book


whoa haven’t seen you in like 3 years


yeah i haven’t been on in a bit haha
came back to test out unity and all that and find it quite cool


Sun phase is pretty much undoable no hit unless you are soloing it or you are the only person in your ‘lane’. The exploding suns actually target the closest player, so if there are other people there then shots will become messy and there won’t be a clear space to stand.

You can see how it’s done solo by Unibro here though if you’re interested:


That makes a little more sense. Normally when I was untouched was when I went super deep and pretty much everyone else was cowering in the outskirts, likely not messing up the shots that much.


RIP and Goodbye to Heraldism, who has decided to (restart?) Rotmg

And his 69 - 420 Wizzy as well, who was part of this crew


Fourth Lost Halls death, I managed to outrun Spooky this time but did not realize sitting on the Swordsman could really hurts. 2nd solo attempt BTW and no Discord whatsoever.

That adds to 6th 7/8 death in a month and looks like MotMG did not start well for me.



Keep at it, you will solo it one day!


just assume sitting on anything endgame, especially on a wizard, really hurts.


I witnessed 5 deaths at the hand of the Ancient Stone Sword today.
It was a real special moment. (One of them was an 8/8)




What is this for, exactly?


Candied charater on a new player - 8/8 with that RIIIP


AOPS pog


Shouldn’t this be on the death thread? It’s kind of awkward, but it doesn’t seem like it belongs in its own thread