The Death Thread


It was your fault then :angry:


Whoops. I was on a paladin PPE, went in abyss. while fighting enemies(using mouse to fire), I accidently clicked too high in the screen, dragging a tab out. When I came back, it was too late and I died.



u gotta be pretty damn high to stand on ava @dileader

ran straight into brute like an idiot @smilykilla


Now this is where I call bullshit.
I was tapping my rotation keys gently.
I was continually walking along the hardened honey.
Then it takes like 5 seconds for everything - including nexusing to register and now?

I’m salty, disappointed in myself, and sad.


2 out of 3 in the nest, deca did a good job at the new dungeon…


spencer’s first death in like 1 year…




Holy crap!
[I thought they didn’t release it yet! -D$]


I love this dungeon.

Too bad i also ripped : ( 7/8 dbow huntress.


I left for a few days and it seems all hell broke loose with the implementation of the nest

Almost like all of the recent 8/8 deaths were from the Nest. I estimate around 1000 maxed deaths today… I feel like this was a ploy from deca to kill off a small chunk of the realm’s maxed players…


It’s fun to look at recent deaths on realmeye right now. People are being crushed left and right by the nest and some of them are sporting rather fancy bee based st items.


Couldn’t find a screenshot but I died to an urgle with qot and t-shot.
salty af


Here you can screen shot the tens of people that have died in the nest in the boss room alone, or you can take a picture of your death screen, something like this: .


Rest in peppers ;_;
protip: use ONLY throwaway characters when going into the nest (i don’t mind much tbh, got that sexy glow and a nice bit of fame anyway)


I estimate around 1000 maxed deaths today. Most from the black bullet hell onslaught. That got a lot of 6/8s-8/8s.


The Nest is taking alot of lives very quickly. The recent deaths count on realmeye is filling up with them!


I saw the beekeeper insta pop a 8/8 and a 6/8, and he almost killed my paladin on like 4 occasions, although I lost him and my rogue to the Queen.


i really dont feel like learning new dungeons -_-