The Farewell Thread


ive wasted like an hour reading all the posts in this thread and feel very sad.


I donā€™t think so


Thatā€™s the main reason why people like posts on this thread. Most of us arenā€™t heartless monsters.

cough nobody cough


Hello fellow ROTMG players,

Iā€™ve decided today to come to the forums and announce that today, I will be permanently quitting rotmg. I decided it was a good idea to write what I had to say in the forums because the most amount of people would see it. Today, what I will try to accomplish, is to explain my journey of rotmg, why I quit, and what I thought overall of rotmg.

First off, I canā€™t thank anybody enough who had played with me, trained with me, even died with me. If you even had the smallest impact on my experience, I thank you for your company. I started playing realm roughly 4 years ago, (not this account specifically), and since then, I have been obsessed with the game. Now, being involved in many activities plus sports, I had to slowly cut down on my time spent on realm. ROTMG was meant for entertainment, and to be honest, over the course of those 4 years, entertainment was exactly what I got; until motmg.

Now for some reason, motmg has literally just tanked my obsession with rotmg down to a very low state, and now I am where I am today. Iā€™m not sure why motmg, in fact motmg should have been increasing my wanting to play, but unfortunately, thats not what happened. I donā€™t know why or how, and it isnā€™t decaā€™s fault because many people are enjoying it.

As for how to quit, I will suicide all my chars with everything I have in my vault, and close the game. If we have ever talked or ever played side by side in rotmg, then itā€™s been an honor.

Farewell, and Goodbye to all.


Would you like to become a pro with me?


It sucks that you feel that way about the game, but maybe its a good thing because you have many more things going on irl.
Im not gonna ping moderators cause i saw shatter typing, but theres a thread for this
Edit: never mind :confused:


Yeah idk i feel as though the game has become way too over saturated. Ive played maybe 25 hours in the last 6 months and have enjoyed few of those hours.


Me me me Iā€™ll become surviv pro with u


cough BOOK ALT cough


hmmā€¦ Farewell thread?
I wonder what Iā€™m supposed to put in hereā€¦



Finally did it. Suicided all my characters, released all my pets (including my legendary pet), spent all my gold, and spent all my fame (through creating and deleting a random guild).


off-topic but ayyy codeblocks


Yeah, weā€™ve all known that for like a month now


I quit this game after about 6 years of playing. Over 3 accounts ive never been able to get an 8/8 or anything remotely close. This game has taken up so much time in my life its leeching the life out of me. Im quitting this garbage game i gave away all my stuff already and dropped my UTā€™s. if anyone cared my OG accounts were AlleyJane and TuckerJohn. schools coming up so im deciding not to start playing again this year.

Thanks to these people i had a good time: ConsoleMC for beaing a great friend and Astrothre for the same. Also thanks to Hwuntt and asdfg


i will still lurk in the corner of the forums as its interesting to read when im bored



bye bro. goodluck on school and real life!




Good luck wherever life takes you!


Thanks Sir!


Seeya later realm glad Iā€™m quitting thanks to anyone who helped me and made my time better.

  • adios


My dad has decided that my computer should be used purely for school and that I am no longer allowed to play video games on it, as such I will no longer have any way to play RotMG

Itā€™s been a fun time, too bad I canā€™t at least finish MotMG