The Farewell Thread




bruh moment why is everyone quitting dis









Well, you probably saw this coming. But I think its time for me to take another break. I donā€™t know how long but its gonna be a while. I will come back to forums but for now.
@DivineOryx Iā€™m sorry if you feel hurt by me, you were a great friend and the most trusted person Iā€™ve known. I hope you feel better soon. I uwu you.
@DeIusional After all the conflict we had, you were a great friend and I uwu you too.
@Diamondest @Ecookied @AKLdragon @Arexrew are pretty epic people and good friends.
@GammaGamer thank you for making my grave if you remember, you are also a epic person.
@Wilhuff donā€™t worry, I will still make deals with the mafiaā€¦ But thank you for the advice and being a good friend.
I miss @Redox and I wish I can kidnap him againā€¦
I am missing some people but thank you and I had a great time with you guys.
But @Darkawaiii all I can say is ā€˜kā€™ and your a good friend and uwu you too.
I will still use discord and continue talking in RE Discord
Prob play realm sometimes but Iā€™m not gonna use forums unless for updates/etc


bruh another one

its happening again


no, you stay


Itā€™s an epidemy !





this is a bruh moment


oh no

I need to hide now



totally did not steal this from @Craftable

No, I can do better.


@InfamousX NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hope everything goes well.


I feel like iā€™ve seen you around


He is already gone. :frowning:


He is rip


Hi, Iā€™m alive. Iā€™ll post something with actual content but this is here so I donā€™t make any more excuse to post something I was going to several months ago.

Also have a random video of me playing piano dreadfully that was totally uploaded with my knowledge.

(and yes I know doing that reveals my first and last name if i havenā€™t already, oh well)


so recently (read today) I come back to discover my account has been wiped of essentially everything but my pet. My vault is emptied of all my value items and whites, and my characters were suicided.

As a steam player, I didnā€™t think it was possible to be hacked, yet here I am. I guess this means that since i donā€™t really have anything to come back to, I might as well move on to other things. I know that iā€™m not so well known on the forums anymore, so this may not mean much, but I just wanted to get it out there.

Conclusions are hard, so I guess ill be seeing you guys never


Pretty sure only people who used a hacked client were hacked due to a cc leak or something.

Soā€¦ You got what you deserved?