The General Chat Thread v2


happy extremely belated birthday


ftfy before seelpit did :3


I kept forgeting to say this but: 2 weeks ago was my 10th anniversary of emigrating from Mainland China to the U.S. Still remember that time I woke up in 4:00 a.m CST to get to the airport and being the last time seeing my great-grandmother (she passed away 6 years ago).


Some stuffs that I could recall from 10 years ago (fat shoutout to Baidu Map bicos no Google Map in mainland China) : Those pictures were taken 2019 June by Baidu Map as I mentioned.

Actually, this was where I lived with my gr8 grandmother (highlighted with white oval). Best approximation that I can get. Don’t know if the house was sold out or not.

The elementary school I went (picture was taken post-renovation). Pre-renovation though, looks real outdated and looks like the 70’s. Went there till 2nd grade and yeeted myself to US.

This, is where I happened to “hang out” during weekends and holidays.

I still remember that time when my mom browse around aisles for somefing, I happened to be browsing around at the toys aisle. One time I even broke a Barbie doll there and got caught by the Walmart staffs when we were just about to leave, but can’t recall the exact details how it got resolved later on (happened around 2008-2010).

Again, weekend thing but this was also where I usually went after dinner. Still exists.

Holy Jesus, how do I still remember which kindergarten I went 12-14 years ago?


Thought you were Ecookied. Pfps be tripping me up lately.


I mean that pfp does likes his because we both were standing on a sakura tree. Only difference was his Anubis Necro and mines is Samu.


Ah yes next april fools we all have to change our profile pictures to the same thing


hey… i still never got my pfp drawing…


Pfp drawing?


ahh my baby thread has finished!!!

ahh insert spam ​here

So update on me, im failing school somehow. almost finished my minor but lets not talk about my major

Uhh friends have gotten me to play league of legends, probably the most toxic community ive been in.

uhh if anyone plays league, i play neeko/ekko/trist in mid. soraka support. im pretty noob. You can add me if u want I’m “Dustyacer” in NA.

also my acc is getting pretty old, its 110 days younger than the youngest acc in the first hundred of


speaking about old players @Nevov come back please


He’d probably like the game even less than when he first left, to be honest… I miss seeing him around, though


I’ve decided to play realm everyday until I dc.

So far over the last 3 days I have played 17 minutes.




I hate finishing good book series’s. Especially when you get sort of attached to the characters and they were just really good… but if you are looking for a fantasy series to read then I can definitely recommend the Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Claire. and just most of her books, they are really good…


To the people that are able to lucid dream how are your experiences, I am a lucid dreamer myself and I thought it would be interesting sharing dreams of our own and what we’ve done.


There’s a thread for that :eyes:


last reply was a month ago D:


Doesn’t mean you can’t reply if you have something relevant to share :wink:
The autoclose takes 2 months for a reason


Cross post from Reddit:
Leaving Realm of the Mad God : RotMG (

@WangleLine Feel bad for you, miss ;(