The General Chat Thread


What do you expect from me…?




You have to try harder than that
If going to spook me


Panytnaa Paradise island

Join for exclusive pany fact…

Just join if you like me… :slightly_smiling_face:






marking someone as a hacker on realmeye doesnt do anything except adding a tag that only you can see


Oh, my bad. I thought marking someone as a cheater, scammer, or bad merchant on RealmEye resulted in a public marking if enough people tagged them.


Just got back from AMC 10B. I’m projecting a 105 maybe 109.5 :thinking:


Scammer and bad merchant, yes. Cheater? Nope.


Projecting a 100.5 for myself, I should have slept more


I did that last year but never got my score back so I didn’t do it this year.




And on that fateful day, poor little Redeadgods learned the old adage of the internet: “pics or no proof”.


even with pics it’s hard to say nowadays
traps are everywhere man


They were just waiting for Admiral Ackbar to die so they could sneak in. :rage::rage::rage:


damn nice
im predicting a 109.5 aswell


I thought it was so fucking hard compared to the other AMC 10s. I only finished like 10 questions
EDIT:Only got a 66 I feel so stupid 2 years ago i got 100+


Holy. I got a 94.5 :crying_cat_face:

gonna go sit in a corner and cry now…


im scurred to check my score kek


holy shit i got slammed im not gonna be able to live kek