The General Chat Thread


Milk your friend…? :thinking:






Milk me daddy
Mooo! Moo moo moo! MOOOO!

@ForumAlt, I swear to fucking Christ if you call me a moo…


milk me daddy
i want you to milk me so hard


This forum is weird…



Milk me daddy


Hey mine was a legitimate question.




Ah…but why that example?


woah when’d this happen? :thinking:

I have officially wasted an entire month sitting at my computer staring at these forums.

great inb4 someone tops that


those are rookie numbers


Instead of quoting I took a zoomed in picture


Yeah but… why did you have the need to say that?


Your record just got @shatter ed


:sweat_smile: not fake or anything :sweat_smile:


what am I doing with my life


wasting more time than me is what it looks like





I like how he didnt quote the


after it

hoohho, congrats myname, shat, and xak for having no lives!