The General Chat Thread


should’ve added an audio recording.


Assassination of Italian mafioso Guiseppe Calderone, signaling the start of the Second Mafia War (1978)


It’s over. We did our best but it was not to be.

Mission Failed: We’ll get them next time, boys.


You shouldn’t link unlisted threads


@AKLDragon why did you change your pfp?


Prob just for thanksgiving


stfu book



Holy fucking shit




wtf? those look like pedophiles


weird flex but ok
that guy probably moved the cups, was not me


@nameness I WILL END YOU.

I hope you’re ready for nightmare fuel at the very end.


Release the chus. :zap:


Did someone go overboard on flagging today :thinking:


ye they did :^)


My gosh book, I wonder who would ever do that? Cough U Cough


no wonder he decided to shove kids in mechanical suits, anyone would go insane after Ice-E’s Pezza


You high? I haven’t flagged anyone in months.


To clear books name. He did not flag.