The General Chat Thread



try it for yourself
powerful monty python reference



new forum update

apparantly theres no option to turn it back to the old


Haven’t done 8x8 -> 16x16 sprites recently and my random sprites thread is closed
Since it was just recently Halloween and the symbiotic reaper is relatively new i decided to do it


you’re welcome to request threads to be opened.


Then could you open it?



@Toastrz is the next Realmafia gonna be any time soon?


The hell is that buster katana buff monstrosity


Probably not, I just don’t have the time. Maybe in December, we’ll see.


Hmm they added this to notify that you get new classes.


That’s been there for some time…


ok, I guess they added it since 3 years ago when I was unlocking classes


“Some time” is a window of a few months so I would argue it’s pretty recent. Probably the same patch where they made the item tier (I.e T6, UT, ST) display on items or three update they made quest markers bounce at you when entering new area.

Ugh no me gusta, everything’s off xd



ninja necros



fuck you xak




Who is impersonating me?


Furox UwU is @Redox
Don’t get fooled guys


@niegil pls delet server


I agree :slightly_frowning_face:


I’m sorry I gave you the discord.