The General Chat Thread


If you mean





Does the Fountain Child pet skin still drop from mwoods, or am I just wasting my time grinding them?


afaik it does.
It’s probably just really rare.
Like the MWoods’ portal drop rate… *cries in speedrun trickster*




Are there any Canadians here?

Is this true? Do you really use 3 date formats? How do you manage to organise stuff and see people? Do you always spell out the month? Or are you just confused all the time?

I need to know.


@Shatter might be able to help with that.


I imagine it varies providence to providence but yeah I see


May 17/19



In that order of frequency.


Thanks, that is confusing.

I guess mm/dd/yy comes from the USA and dd/mm/yy from the Commonwealth of Nations. Any ideas how you started using yy/mm/dd as well?

Also now that I know your phone changes province to providence I’ll picture you as a pastor or something :slight_smile:


Nice. How long ya been playin?


Finally brought myself to get rid of Realm’s worst UT, and also a spare Esben Skull I saved for some reason.


I have 2 legendary pets. One is 90 90 and other 89 86. Would I max the 2nd pet all the was or fuse at 90 for first ability? Just curious of what others think.


Maxing the second pet to 90/x/x will leave you with the full maxed potential of the divine (100/100/100 capabilities), but with 2nd and 3rd stats that are initially worse than if you fused a 90/90/x. I personally would max it all the way to 90/90/x first, but that’s just me.


doesn’t have electric as 3rd ability

Smh my head


It does, my brother got it a few weeks ago.


fuse at 90 at first ability, dude it litterally says maxed when u are trying to fuse 2 pets with the first ability at 90


The issue is that, while it will have the 100/100/100 cap, it initially won’t be as powerful as it would be if he waited and maxed the second ability. It’s up to personal preference and what he wants out of the pet in the meantime.


But that’s what I’m asking. What you guys think I should do.


Sorry I don’t really know, but this is the internet so trust me anyway.

There is a big difference in the cost of feeding a legendary or divine pet (350 vs 1000 fame according to realmeye). So, I’d fuse at 90/90 for both pets.
And I think waiting till the 3rd ability is maxed doesn’t make sense because it takes too long and you could use the same feed power to increase 1st and 2nd at the same time.
But I’ve pulled this out of my you-know-what so I could be wrong!

EDIT: I originally asked here how much it costs to feed pets, and then realised I’m as lazy as a cat and went check for myself.


350 f per feed on Leg, 1000 per feed on Divine.