The General Chat Thread


we have a word in my language “homoklada” which means gay tree directly translated, its an insult but it dosent have anything to do with gay

also growing up i never heard anyone using gay or homosexual as a pejorative

and we slurs for gay people are very uncommon for an insult for someone

our insults are of much higher quality then that


What exactly is your point here??


relax, its just funny to me how american use certain words as insults


For whatever reason ‘gay’ in Chinese was a really popular insult in 3-5th grade for my school lol (btw gay in Chinese is just gay but said in a different tone)


its the same for czech but its not really a word you would ever hear someone using for several reasons

like (excluding the cesspit that is prague) you wouldn’t hear anyone talking about their sexuality, religion or political beliefs. So anything of the sort you very rarely hear any jokes about or the words being used as some insult


laughs in way too many bulwarks


@Community1 How do you have one in your name on the forums? Can this power be learned?


I believe it’s because a separate account with the name already has an account on the forums, so then they get a number at the end if there is a duplicate




Halp. It is continuously doing those 2.


don’t touch ur game at all including md, close it and take a 11 min walk to be safe xd


Didnt realize it was that type. usually a 10 min dc just logs me out and doesnt do this.


Actually, I beelieve it’s somefin with support having granted them that name. Not sure if they’re aware of the “standard restrictions” that Realm names have; another example is “qt” now having a full lowercase name.

Also, @Craftable + @Wilhuff grats on winning the giveaway >u<
Seems like menichko didn’t rig it, after all.


Lily didn’t win? It was rigged


No, its because names from inactive ( or was it non-migrated?) accounts were freed up in 2017 and some of the freed names had an account on the forum already (so basically what campfires said).



on a somewhat related note there are people in game with numbers in their name, got one to join deri for 5 mins after extensive begging

never thought i’d revert to grovelling ;-;



wtf how is that possible?



it was very humiliating to beg him to join b/c how insistent he was on not joining :pensive:


why play RotMG when you can chill with Chad Knight ™


bros before hoes