The General Chat Thread


Yay got nevov split


Oryx shake in MT? :thinking:


(moving this here to prevent further derailment if I actually get this in the general chat thread)

Here’s a simple guide:
Once you see it stand still to create the whip, there’s a few seconds where it just does nothing. The whip deals no contact damage, but make sure you still avoid it if possible in case you’re too slow. You’ll be able to get a fair bit of free damage off like this.

Dungeons, The Many Edged Sword


You can’t pm him! Beautiful.


I keep wasting all my fame on dyes cause I can’t pick which class to play but I’m dumb af buy and use the dyes anyways and delete the character right after and pick another send help


I remember feeding mine because I already had the mini st skin… feelsbad I screwed something permanent and exclusive up (replying here so i dont bump the original thread with something not related to it)



also cool


also terraria 1.4 relevant spoiler



TERRARIA 1.4 IS HERE :pleading_face::drooling_face:


Masters mode is fun indeed

Can you please unlock my ppe thread? I have some updates to post



answer: to find your ppe thread so I can unlock it smh >_>


Time to do an epic dive right in! Haven’t played for several months though so…this might be regrettable but only one way to find out!



Im coming back for a little to get my white star again due to the fact a new class is coming soon.

Also how am I still a regular, I mean I don’t mind.


What happened I just got this thingy

Im confused

Oh and Im guessing realmeye is going to take some time getting updated like last time because of the new stars


when you got promoted it had to be done manually because your self-imposed bans were holding you back. when that happens it locks in the trust level so it can’t go back down afterwards. when you ragequit the forums I considered removing your trust level but you never actually left and instead continued lurking which maintained your trust level requirements. now that you’ve reminded me again, I double checked and you have indeed dipped below the requirements recently so I have demoted you back down to a normal user. I can’t read that screenshot because the resolution is too low, but I’d assume it’s related to that.

don’t ask questions you don’t want answered ;)


I can try to regain requirements, and yeah. I was sort of maybe lurking once in a while.

Wait I forgot this place tracks what you read.


hmm I noticed there is no animal crossing thread, I guess everyone is busy with realm to play animal crossing.

Or spent to much money on realm to buy it.

Sad my regular is fake, I can’t see a certain place anymore


That was my reaction to reading that you were banned for threatening to dox someone.


Did I break something?

Cool Im normal now.


New guill thing, I guess: If you drop a health/mana potion (not sure if applies to other items), Guill says “for meeeee?” or something like that, and if you remove it he says something along the lines of “nevermind” or “okay…” haven’t checked what happens if you let the bag disappear.

Edit: the bag disappearing is the same as you picking/using the item


Don’t worry I’ve literally never played the game before yesterday.


You’re welcome