The General Chat Thread


Honestly I know nothing about these, I was just drawing my character for a meme. I see photoshop more of an image editor, but I believe there’s more complex and more complete tools out there.


well you’d be wrong because photoshop is one of the better drawing programs if you’ve got a drawing tablet, I did my two most recent drawings in photoshop. obviously which one is the best is an argument that’ll never be answered because there’s no end to the kinds of people out there who will hold up pretty much any alternative as “the best art program ever”, but photoshop is definitely a solid contender among people who either aren’t concerned about money or somehow got it for free via school or something (like I did).

so yes, photoshop is an art program.


The man is unaware of the power he possesses.


I am willing to feed anything 500+ to my legendary pet. Part of why I am going that low, though, is because I have been hoarding all of my UTs in hopes of a coming UT exchange. Mostly just feed incs, extra tops, and extra ST things. My vault is on the verge of exploding, though, so hopefully that exchange comes sooner rather than later.

I used to save the really good pet food from calendar rewards for the eventual coming of a divine pet, but I caved about 6 months back and fed it all since it will be forever until I actually have a divine. I think when my second legendary pet is at 90/x/x, I will start hoarding it again and just feed cheap things until it gets to 90/90/x and I fuse to divine. Maybe even starting at 85/x/x. I have a long, long time before I have to think too hard about that decision, though. Just recently got to 90/x/x on my first legendary pet.


I mostly just use throwaway items I don’t feed (or occasionally pick them up and throw them back on the ground if my sister and I don’t like them, like the Bulwark). Because I have limited play time for now, fame is worth gold to me.

Nonetheless, my legendary pet is about 25k from maxing the first ability, so… I don’t know. It extends my process in one regard by staving my pet of lesser foods, but I’m also not burning my game nearly as quickly.


For my Legendary pet, I have the same standard except up to 999 FP (even though Puri is the closest). Certain unwanted ST and White bags were fed to my Legendary.

My vault… they hold bunch of stuffs that even my 140 vault spaces and storage characters can’t hold them anymore: T9-12 Weapons, T10-13 Armors, T4-6 Abilities/Rings.

I am still saving up anything 1,000 FP or above for feeding future Divine like undesired SB skins and STs (and the White bags I mentioned).

Edit: Removed my white bag lists to prevent argument and to show I stopped bragging.

The White Bag Thread v3

Is it just me, or do most days you don’t get white bags and then some days you get like 5 in a row?


@Shatter An integral addition to my post, thank you


Yeah no problem my man was an easy fix


Ngl the “write a word from the last letter of the word above you” is literally ppl flexing their vocabulary knowledge




I hope you’re joking. 3:

The seller was taking a little bit with the cult runs, then forgot my name for a moment. He got shadow muted, and his guildie reported to me what was going on. It took 20 minutes or so, but your Ava skin is sitting safely in my vault for when we meet again! <3


Oh yeah I was joking, I thought /s meant sarcasm for some reason, so I put it at the bottom. But yeah I got dcd and then my parents wanted me to do smth, then I went to sleep :sleeping:
But yeah anytime I see you or if u give me a time then I’ll collect it. Tysm again! :slight_smile:


because /s does mean sarcasm


Technically it means “end of sarcasm”…


That’s why I put it at the end :3


I thought it meant what Raremeat had assumed until now, because I hadn’t ever looked it up, I guess. Regardless, we all interpreted it the same, right?


Ngl I get more worked up over Mario kart when I lose then RotMG when I die, unless I die on an 8/8. If i do die on an 8/8, I don’t rage, but I’m super sad and kinda depressed for like an hour after words lol. How do u guys react when u die?


well i stopped playing the game if that’s any indicator /s

Ok normally I would just out right close the game and come back later, either in hours or days, to try again. If I actually had a backup character like the warrior gathering dust on my profile I would make a new one to keep grinding for it


I might normally blink or something in momentary surprise, even with the worst of my deaths, or laugh at my stupidity if applicable. Sometimes, I’m even excited, because I normally have a bunch of gear that I’ve never used hanging out in my vault! ^^