The General Chat Thread


I don’t want mana but there you are


Im gonna wait for awhile, but those look SICK
i wanna get ahuge aresnal of pics


scary isnt it?




i know right, it’s so scary i don’t even want to look at it


Don’t care if I get banned


@moderators ask and you will receive?


He didn’t ask, he said one (well two) insulting comment to another forumer, dial it back.


DreadDrake and Tarlan are my idols


this is where we draw the line


I’m entitled to my opinion


thats not an opinion, thats just pushing ur luck too far buddy


two… kek i wish it was only that but im gonna stop there cause I dont want a big argument spreading


Talking forums only here.


Shatter moving the retarded and insecure comment here is unnecessary, slander if I may.


Im not even gonna bother digging up all the “U suck”'s from whenever I die on the death thread
Still a lot more than two, but much less compared to discord and in game




You can edit it but yes I see what you mean. I moved all the off topic post.

Edit: one sec

Edit 2: there yea go, also nope not slander


Man, i certainly dont miss the cancerous realm community.







