The General Chat Thread


Docs original account

Actually docs older. and holy crap docs account is 8 years old.


Am I really 8 now?


Doc will you ever come back to playing RoTMG :eyes::eyes:


What do you mean? I’m in the game right now.


like long-term rotmg


Trustees forum bumper ointment.
Like rusteeze, except it exists.


guys im sad


why :frowning:


Watch it dum


at first I thought she would die in a space shuttle crash
but it was much more depressing




aw, I’m sure her papa would’ve been proud though


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Regular Bridge
(moved discussion at request of @AKLDragon)


i asked ducky if he was pervy


“your chesnaught is now level 42”


Hey chestnaught is cool he’s like a scruffy old man I beat it with


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




“chesnaught” has only one t in it

the one time I thought you might be able to spot an unintended use of the word “chest” and you let me down smh gamefreak with names no one can keep straight


I mean I don’t wanna think about chestnaught’s hairy Pokémon nipples :eyes: