The General Chat Thread




Just bench him


Butā€¦ Butā€¦ Top 1000! /s

real talk thatā€™s probably what Iā€™ll do but itā€™s still sad, heā€™s my oldest character by far and Iā€™ve had some good time with him. \:frowning:


The same happened with my necromancer, paladin and a few other characters.
Theyā€™re still alive and well but itā€™s better to give them a break when you donā€™t feel like playing them anymore, otherwise youā€™ll do something reckless


Just a number calm down


just periodically fame train/farm with him

(I have the same problem with my warrior, during the winter events last year sop many warriors died that I moved up about 40 spots without doing much)


So is ageā€¦ Wait fuck


oh man you just opened a can of worms


did someone say age is just a number :smirk:




pretty much back, the first thing i see is ickabod arguing with rmg.


Maybe ill leave againā€¦


Hes been a lot better over the last few days


yeah, thatā€™s what we said like 3 weeks ago.


nah Iā€™m just as bad as I ever was


You arenā€™t bad :stuck_out_tongue:

i think MyNamerr was referring to Ickabod though?


thats the joke


bendan the gamer


:sweat_smile: ?
is there something Iā€™m missing here?


no donā€™t fuck


Trust me, when that warrior is retired and hits 4 years like my paladin, youā€™ll feel good about not killing it.