The General Chat Thread


Right, christmas spirit
Definitely not because I’m lazy


deaths dont mean too much, ive seen people with graves filled with low lvls from ppes or from a bad roll and suiciding (i delete them instead)(also activity).

but lol, my acc is like 7X older than yours but you have more deaths than me. But that doesnt mean anything because of

that is you

this is me. although i have like 3 days probably on active chars

side note:

gonna reach 7 years soon


Book is actually a pretty nice guy in PMs


cool numbers




Is that your password? your ssn? probs your credit card! :wink:


actually would be a good chinese number since 8 is chinese lucky number. although i hate the number


What do you have against the number 8?


its so boring. its like the number one. you can fold 8 in half multiple ways, turn it around for infinity sign and its 2^3. 2*4, It’s so boring.

my numbers are: 4, 7, 9, 11




Mine is 11 too though. But whats wrong with infinity :wink:


?dont get it

so generic and boring. its why i never liked the number 1 on jerseys and such.

11 is my birthday
7 is my sisters birthday
9 is what i thought my sisters birthday was sometimes
4 is just there.




Mine is on the 11th too. Well yesterday to be more exact.


Wow some dude is trying to sell inc for a life! I can barely sell it for 1 def or any pot.


i hope you experience 4


I personally don’t want to experience candyshi


I like the number 3

I was born in 2003
3 is an auspicious number in Cantonese culture (my heritage)
3 is my hockey jersey number

Yay for 3


I like 16
Some of the reasons are the same reason Scorchmist dislikes 8 though

But its nice. Binary, a square number of a square number, not a bandwagoned favorite number (5 & 11 kinda) or picked to be edgy (13)


15 because that’s my birthday.