The General Chat Thread


Might not have conveyed that as well as you could have…


After only 8 months, stars are finally fixed :slight_smile:


Honestly that would make a better thread than the one it was originally posted in.


I’ll do it in the morning, too tired right now.


Oh dangit now I have to get white star for real now


wow if this was a business, it would be failing.

Wasting precious vault space for 3Years.
Just throw it on an alt.


If doing a topic, may be worth bearing in mind the creeping g r o w t h of vault over time both in literal size (started with 20 chests) and in significance (as the game moved to sb-UT bringing a requirement to have larger storage if you want spare items; previously it was merely a convenience).


If I were that vain, I probably would’ve had a poor reaction to Xaklor’s post as well.

What really upset me, was Arexrew’s poor choice of words. I mean come on, Do you really think I, or anyone for that matter, is going to be happy when they are addressed like this without provocation?

This is straight up insulting, and Arexrew knows it. I really don’t buy his excuses that ‘it was just a joke bruh’; no one in their right mind is going to think that was funny, nor a joke.Now, had I actually said something to provoke Arexrew first, then I would concede I would’ve deserved that. But I did not, and its evident Arexrew took it upon himself, out of the blue, to say that bullshit, thinking he’s safe behind a screen.

If he were actually joking, the rational thing to do would be to make it explicitly clear it was a joke, not when someone questions him about it, or apologize to the other party. Both of which Arexrew failed to do.

Goddammit, that’s too funny.


Yeah it was a pretty shitty ass joke but I thought it was sarcasm b/c of the overuse of these agressive words.


Given the relationship between those two I find it hard to believe that was a joke


Is that a thing now? Do Reddit users actually use the term “normie” or is that just the usual forum alt shitposting?

The former would be fucking hilarious.


I don’t think that’s an alt (maybe), so it probably isn’t the latter


Reddit tends to shout about how they’re “superior” to instagram and that instagram steals all of their memes

While instagram just ignores reddit.

(People on reddit do use ‘normie’ sometimes too i guess)


fam we are talking about PIXELS ON A SCREEN
honestly u shouldnt be getting mad about me insulting your pixels but whatevs fam

fam i have nothing against wilhuff
just think hes a bit uptight at times and takes stuff way too seriously (stuff can easily get blown out of proportion, like here)


I thought Instagram started as a collection of pictures of food and then later turned into a catalogue of attractive women trying to get money and attention from permavirgins? Since when does it have memes??

Think about this for a minute. Reddit has a fuckton of users, subreddits on every subject, is used as a platform by big companies and famous people (for example the whole AMA thing).

It’s probably one of the most mainstream websites on the internet (outside of giants like Twitter).

It’s already hilarious when someone unironically uses “normie” as an insult, but here it’s doubly as stupid. It’s like if someone called 9Gag “part of the dark web”.


dude doom bow is a poor mans white use a leaf bow or a void bow (prefered) o wait u cant do voids cuz ur so bad (some salty man is reporting me )


It sort of fits the items though


Im like 90% sure the only people that use “normie” outside of meme or ironic contexts are literally the people that actually call themselves incels.

Mostly people joking about the bots that directly take memes that are trending on big meme subreddits and post them on other platforms, such as the @me_irl account on Twitter


I said I didn’t care about you insulting my pixels, I was angry about your poor choice of words. Would you enjoy being spoken to like that, Arexrew?


Funny you should mention them. They also had their own subreddit for a while, r/incels.

Pretty sure the term itself originated from 4chan. And as you know, for every channer with a modicum of self-awareness, there’s at least four who legit believe they’re some sort of super internet illuminati or some shit.