The General Chat Thread


I was hoping it would function kinda like a key… Maybe if you use the magic mushroom within the fungal caverns, the hallucinations will show you a secret passage??



Guildie found this while playing lol. Avatar + permafrost lord set pieces :stuck_out_tongue:


the ultimate kendo stick



did you ping me? lol


The Permafrost of the Forgotten Lord


I just finished Stone Ocean, and the ending is SO. HECKING. GOOD
It’s probably one of the best endings of any manga, I dare almost say


Sad ending :frowning:


I think it’s somewhere between sad and also happy :'3


Imagine being able to access WiFi hahahahaha

I’m moving so guess what!!!

I’ve been unable to access anything aside from my phone for like a week nooo whyyyy


Does Snake Oil have holes in it because it’s based on an “Old Wive’s Tale”, so it can be argued that it doesn’t work?


my guess would be that it’s an attempt at making it look clear, however because of the way the outlines and item shadow works that doesn’t work out very well.


Where did Osu thread go?


Is this better?
(light gray as “clear”)



hey there @DeIusional are you @ggaodzilla @Glawi @Ecookied or @Redox
(just asking for solve something)


I’m Glawi, have a like!




wait actually xd


please dont say the p word again


Me: whew i caught myself there…wait no actually. nvm

Everyone else: