The General Chat Thread


another three (there is another one with unclear evidence on that forum too)


@Efnuiwrbvu, letā€™s move this here.

You mean highschool? Whatā€™s your education level? How acquainted are you with linear algebra, calculus, statistics and classical mechanics?


Yup i know basic maths, calculus ,complex numbers ,vectors, stats. As for classical Iā€™m OK with it except for the frames of reference stuff coz they never thought that. Basically GCE a level math and phy. Which is like SAT


Ok, then I guess I can recommend Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, by David J. Griffiths. Itā€™s not a complete book (as youā€™d expect an introduction book to be) and Iā€™ve met many people that shy away from it because of that, but I believe itā€™s the most instructive book out of the undergraduate quantum mechanics books. I remember the first time I came across sums of angular momentum and only being able to understand it through Griffiths. While youā€™re at it, you might want to try Introduction to Electrodynamics, also by Griffiths, as that one is pretty much agreed to be the undergraduate electrodynamics book, at least from where Iā€™m from. Just a warning, this one is more math-heavy. That same guy also has a book on particle physics called Introduction to Elementary Particles, but this one I have never read, so I canā€™t vouch for it. I heard itā€™s pretty good, though.

About ā€œspacetimeā€, I believe what you want to know more about is special relativity, since general relativity is quite advanced even for an undergraduate student. Iā€™m not the best person to recommend special relativity books as I myself havenā€™t found one that I adore (and I consider myself much more well versed on quantum mechanics than on relativity), other than the last chapter of the electrodynamics book by Griffiths I just mentioned (you can tell I really like this Griffiths guy), as, believe it or not, special relativity was inspired by electrodynamics. Some people have recommended me Introduction to Special Relativity, by Robert Resnick, but I canā€™t recommed it since Iā€™ve never read it (someday, maybe), so take it as you want.

I know realized I only mentioned books with ā€œintroductionā€ on the title. I guess thatā€™s a good thing. Also, I wouldnā€™t recommend you to buy those books, as from experience I can tell they can be quite expensive. Try to borrow them from a library or something. Happy learning to ya. :D``


Thanks :kissing_heart:


wot is that :o




@glawi stahp liking all of my white bag thread posts xd
i always get on and see 5 notifs only to have them all likes from u from that thread lol


And there you go another like :3
Ohh and a reply that makes 2 notifications yayy :DD


At least you dont have a lot of posts there (burneeeed)

Iā€™m guessing a least 40 of those are the wb thread


Got my PC backā€¦


Well now that thatā€™s done

@MessltUp you should join our discord!!!


Sure thing, pm me an invite :slight_smile:





@MessltUp should work



Warning for you


Genuinely well-intentioned question: why are you posting this here? His profile shows that he hasnā€™t been on the forums in a month.

(Send a RealmEye pm or /tell him in game.)


I recalled seeing his name on the forums :frowning:


@Aurorious where you at mate :frowning: