The General Chat Thread


quite good actually, but the legs look a bit flat and so does the head


Not to be a dick but, if you look anywhere in rotmg you won’t find a sprite that looks like this. The color scheme is poor, there’s gradients, and the shape is clunky. I advise you look at a lot of sprite work and tutorials if you really want to get into it.


well guys, we did it


I gave up when i saw 200 ppl, but man…


I didn’t get in. :angry:




Can we get more melee reacts?


did anybody not dc from that?

Cursed Image

The tiger owl


ngl it just looks cute to me


@mrunibro @sirspud @divineoryx @Unicorn
you guys are no longer regulars so please let me know where I can contact you to send you the yearbook


I saw it ty for you hard work! :slight_smile:


send it to me on discord when you can :slight_smile:


sent you a request


(regular is gone :crab:)

Could you send it to my discord as well?




86 notifications in a year, pretty sure half of them were from glawi lol


Searched “yes” on the forums and this was the first post, a Deca AMA and look what I foundt:

Expect the unity port to be ready today!




Why do landfish have whiskers