The General Chat Thread


Whelp, looks like I have more reading up/research to do. I should check out my stats while I’m at it. I’m curious now. Thanks, Shatter! And nice merc


having fun with the bois


@Shatter Can you tell me my stats?


Trof’s creation made it into the game… He would be so proud…


52k posts read.
Edit: wtf I guessed right. Your total posts read= my posts read in 100 days. ._.


Any idea why posts/topics read in total are less than that in 100 days?


Tests. Font needs changing and thats about it.


Giygis, you look… different than how I remember you. Oh wait…


d e f e n d e r o f t h e p o l y v e r s e




How to like twice ?


@Wilhuff someone made a Bionicle pet.


My…god. Its glorious.




@Nevov hey do you reckon there would be a way to incorporate your work on the template: release and stuff into the template: dungeon header? Because at the moment the template: dungeon header links to the development and release history page (now archived). If you could thatd be great! :slight_smile:


Im happy i got that reference


that was fast


I’m happy someone got that reference too :blush:



Is this a better Bionicle pet?

Forumer appreciation thread

I’ll have a go!
Have been distracted over the last few days getting the bard campaign done. But now should be able to carry on working on it. :slight_smile:

Edit 2020-07-16 sorry other commitments have delayed me getting back into the wiki. I haven’t forgotten.

Wow yep, quick work.