The General Chat Thread


Hi Dreaddrake how’s it gong


Am I uniqueoryx? I’m not a moo tho



I saw a guild member of yours so decided to have some fun


god damn it why u do it


I read your post, shatter and I was thinking to myself about this and how many people missed out on names they’ve always wanted.

I have some old accounts with cool names i’m willing to give away to people on the forums for free.

Send me a PM on realmeye and I will get back to you with a list of accounts. They are for the majority untouched, but some have 4/8s and items and other shit that I will literally give away for free. I don’t play this game anymore much so it’s not a loss for me.


Uses the same speech pattern with less rainbow.



Yooooooo man…I’ll take some message me (I need a better name)


A little late to the party, there remains 2 names



take your pick

Edit: All names have been taken.


dud ill take fazir




Didn’t you use to be a regular?


he used to but we dont talk about that


I HEARD meh name


Oh. My bad.


He still is.


Oh, yesterday the “regular” was gone.


You can turn the badge off


turn badge off


Already got the answer from @prowinner


oh sry