The General Chat Thread


It’s essentially a mix of studying medicine and informatics. We learn partially about health, the human body, and exactly what doctors and the like do, while also being taught how to reliably process and transmit information - such as through HTML.

Hence, we can act as the postal pigeons between general practitioners and hospitals, inter-hospital, and intra-hospital, since miscommunication is a critical error when a single wrong dose can doom a patient, and GPs don’t really have one shared approach when it comes to writing things down - heck, some of them still fax things!


Below 0.1% percent of flu infections end deadly.

For Covid-19, that number is estimated to be about 0.5-1%

Thats not quite “weaker”.



On a different topic, do some topics stay in “new” despite of already being visited for you guys too?


only if i have bad wifi


Cool! Thanks for answering my question, and good luck!


Yeah, I frequently have to switch to cellular data because our WiFi is trashy with over 20 devices in the household. You can read things, but they don’t always “count” as being read with unstable connections, as Twitchy said.


You should care because other people can catch it from you and be severely harmed if not killed. Haven’t seen anyone die to COVID. Guess it’s safe! Haven’t seen racism in my area. Guess it’s fake! Haven’t seen the earth as round for myself. Guess it’s flat! Just care for the sake of your family/friends/loved ones if it’s really that hard to help other people. No one is pretending that COVID will wipe us out, but many people have died from it, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t die to it or not and it’s not like you’re completely immune to it, you can still die xD as long as you help contribute to the stopping of the virus. All of us are sick of eating at home, but it won’t stop until we solve the actual COVID problem first.


I wish that thread wasn’t opened back up, no matter how novel the intentions may have been…


(Continued off of the White bag thread) @DeeBomb Hmm… I get home at 6:00 pm your time, and I can almost guarantee I can’t get online right away. I’ll see what I can do though


Ok, ima be free until like probably 8 my time so just anytime, and keep in mind you do not have to do this, but if you do, it will be a huge blessing :blush:


shower thought, apropos of nothing in particular:

I wonder how many people you disagree with have had their minds changed by you mentioning that you disagree with them. I’m sure that’s what you instinctively feel compelled to do but there’s no way that’s an effective persuasion tactic. surely the art of persuasion in a nutshell is presenting something your opponent can agree with, and then bending that until they arrive at the conclusion you support. it would then follow that if you have nothing that can be presented that would be accepted, that proceeding regardless would be an act of futility.

again, no reason for bringing this up I promise.



I’m pretty sure basic users can see the WC, they just can’t reply there. Its the new users who are not even basic (=light grey name) that can’t even see it.


Candy quit the game BTW


“There is no quitting the game. There may be long breaks, for years even, but they always come back.”


Well, this is the best deal I’ve gotten in a while! I had a legitimate offer with someone paying 4 Glife for a Tcave pop:

Sorry about the bad non-screenshot quality again

As an added bonus, I offered to chain another one for free, and he heavily insisted on trading another 4 Glife tucked away in his backpack afterwards! +•+


I know this is probably going to backfire and someone’s going to use this as some sort of “bootlicking” material against me, but I still want to throw it out there: good lord have I gained a newfound appreciation for the Crystal Worm Mother’s method of balancing around different classes’ abilities.
Maybe it’s just cause I was a mystic, but being able to give everyone some breathing room in a fight otherwise continually filled with bullets - particularly the final phase - just makes her really come into her own, just like how knight can stun the head during circling phases.
It’s just…so good….……fuck.


Also trickster tp is a godsend to have in that fight, the one and only time I made it past the worm mother was as a level 7 trickster in a pub fungal and I was one of the only 3 who made it


@NyanGamer Oh my god what are you doing to me! that samurai class thread was sooooo bad!