The General Chat Thread


Lol, that I quite the spread of interests!


Yeah but still not sure which I would change my major to. :man_shrugging:t2:



just popped a stack of oryx weapon shards and got predator bow, which i was on the fence about cashing in two stacks for! then just now i impulsively popped a stack of armor ones and got MY THIRD FRICKING HEAVY ARMOR. I HAVE POPPED THREE STACKS IN WANT OF THE LEATHER AND ROBE AND GOTTEN THREE FRICKING HEAVY ARMORS! i shoulda just cashed in two stacks for the leatherā€¦


laughs in ive had 3 staves and 1 sword, 3 heavy armors and 2 scepters and a cloak.


Ok I feel stupid asking this question but what does SBC stand for?


Spooky Boi Central


Isnā€™t that a lost halls discord?


Yes, SBC/Spooky Boi Central is a lost halls discord


huh, just saw a guild recruitment thread saying something about preventing players from SBC, why is that? Edit: also seen someone calling craykiller a SBC in one of her solo o3 videos


I suggest that you re-read that particular guild recruitment thread carefully.

Thatā€™s the one. Re-read it, closelyā€¦




I donā€™t get it, is it like SBC uses an illegitimate method of getting fame or something? Or like they can rack up a bunch of halls completions easily or something so they might not be highly skilled players or something?

Because jokes are funnier when they are explained

Itā€™s a fake recruitment thread. ā€œBertā€ is the name of one of the gameā€™s more notorious hackers, and the guild Bert has a number of troll accounts, which I assume are either Bertā€™s or Bert affiliateā€™s. Blacklist, the OP of the thread, is not in the guild.

SBC does not use illegitimate methods to do things. As a matter of fact, they are known for being one of the more anti-exploit discords out there, with the streamer Sebchoof (see the discord tags mentioned in replies to the thread) in particular championing anti-hacker sentiments and promoting the discord. SBC might try for whatever reason to get accounts into the guild to sabotage them and get the players banned from the game, they would obviously want to avoid them, and be ready to abandon ship as needed.

Programming knowledge for more hax.


Ok that makes sense. Thanks!


I am in the guild but its not updating for whatever reason?


Did I miss some update where Deca resetted dungeon completions or do they display wrongly?

When I looked at my account stats today, none of my chars had any completions


Part of fame rework


I feel like the alien white bag drop rates are kinda low. Done so many untarises and 0 white bags.


(Adding on to DeeBombā€™s comment)

The requirements for a dungeon completion changed; instead of requiring you to exit through the exit portal to finish the dungeon, you now just have to get sb damage on the boss. I think the dungeon completion reset was due to the game not historically tracking for the new metric, so they just removed the completions.

It makes sense, but I am a little annoyed.