The Market Place


I like the idea. Is it inspired by Nilly’s marketplace?


(we don’t discuss pservers here :wink: . also many games and even in REAL LIFE (WOW!) have marketplaces.)

TL;dr for post…

it’s useful, but will be useless. if deca implements this system, items will be ridiculously priced. here’s an example:


look at the price difference (via realmeye trading). if we have a marketplace where all you needa do is sit around, everybodys gonna make his/her prices expensive af because they dont have to do anything. it’s essentially the same as realmeye trading.

furthermore, it’ll increase lag because there will be lots more people afking to keep their marketplace open. more people = more lag. more lag = more complaining.


To start it off, I don’t think I have a solution for lag, but it would make trading a lot easier.
You copy your message ONCE, and the booths could be spread out enough that each player could read the messages clearly without overlapping. Because of this, there is no reason for anyone to spam, since your message will be displayed on the billboard anyways.

On the note of malicious acts, I was thinking of adding a new function to the /report function. Instead of reporting someone and trying to get them banned for whatever they did, there would be a command (something like /report “player” (innapropriate message) or something designed specifically for the Market place, where after a set amount of people report a player, they would be banned from using the booth for a set amount of time.
I don’t think I can do anything about bots, though.


But if someone has a copy+paste bind on, they could still do the same thing at the normal trading server. This new system wouldn’t change that, but it would make it a hell of a lot easier for everyone else… I think


nah ive never played on Pservers. But to answer your question, I was in the shower having some deep thoughts about life and such, and I came up with this. lawl


you actually need effort for spamming. putting an offer up doesnt require any effort. see the difference? nobody’s going to buy it regardless and youre just wasting time and effort while spamming overpriced items


Sorry, I don’t think you read properly. You copy your message ONCE (that means 1 time), and you just sit and wait. lol


You say that “there is no reason for anyone to spam.” However, there is not yet a reason for someone not to spam - if I were at my booth, why wouldn’t I spam my message to make sure it is seen by others? Your idea seems to work excellently, assuming a list of conditions is in effect (namely, nobody will spam, nobody will report with malicious intent, nobody will abuse the system).

I like that your idea is an in-game, real-time solution because it discourages setting up blatantly bad trades, such as the ones in RealmEye which are inevitable whenever an offline offering system is available. However, I think that a lot of regulations and deep thought would need to be put into your idea before it could be successfully implemented into the game.

I think you should try to think of ways to simplify your idea so that it doesn’t need to rely on the goodwill of the community and so that it wouldn’t cause such a substantial increase in lag by generating a multitude of booths and billboards. Of course, my advice is much easier said than done. Over the course of my reply, I have thought of offering my own suggestions but none of them can adequately solve the problem.


Thanks for your reply! I know this is very much a flawed system, and I am thinking of regulation in the marketplace. If you have any ideas, it would really help me out


Sorry. Let me clarify: you can literally copy your message once then afk for eternity.


Ohhhh ya. Lol. That’s the point


yea but it promotes afking which in turn creates lag


You do have a point there.


I really like this idea. The billboard type-thing could even have a realmeye-style trading section, where you would have the small item pictures and show what items you are selling for what items. There could be a search function, so people could get what they were looking for, and by clicking on the offer the player offering it gets a trade request (if within distance).


Why was USW chosen as the trading server?


It was just the original location. One day the server was down, everyone switched to USW3 for the time being, and never moved back :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be really cool! I’ll keep updating the post with more ideas and suggestion


And now it’s only a matter of time until it moves to Australia (・・?)


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