The "OCPPE" Challenge/Thread


I tried to do an ope once, I gave up because I was so frustrated. So I definitely won’t be doing this.


It’s actually pretty fun if you can do it right. Definitely not for the impatient.


Sword and Wand the previous Cave!


1.6k fame, dam. Which server r u in?


USEast2. xD




Aaand this is what I get for looking away for half a second…



Not what I meant.


Starting an OCPPE
first stat is speed


You’re gonna go through hell on an Assassin with your first stat as Speed. xD


So far, T1 armor


Psst. @Ziqpyk.

You should do one, too.


K, when I get home, I can start rn, what class tho

Suiciding my trix for this, llol



ya yeet


should’ve been huntress smh


was gonna give armor to an archer when he ran, came in bag with poison
Thing that makes me happiest in that picture is not the T5 poison, it’s the T4 dagger


you posted in reverse order



Actually I just clicked all the pictures at once and it posted itself in reverse order (which isn’t normal)

Edit: actually it is in random order as both those forest maze pictures are from the forest maze


oof, well, when i get on, im making an ocppe, since literally ALL MY CHARS DIED and all I have now is a 1/8 warrior (mana lol)


I’ll join you and @Nameness when I get back home, I suppose.


Sure, what server should we meet in?