The Pikaplague


Santachu uses iron tail

Also another quality post from EpicNecros


I shall donate grinch costumes… perhaps they may prove effective.




I certainly hope they didn’t, three unpaid interns died to finish typing that thing.

Great plan. I shall henceforth order the mass production of man-sized condoms to defend our population against this threat!

(also as president, my very first action would be to deport Bookbookbo to Bumfucknowheresville, Saskatchewan)

:desert_island: Beach Zone is Recruiting! [USSW]

nani tf is going on


they’re going on

14 AM
35 AM
53 AM
46 AM
20 AM

luckily a local hunter was able to wound nameness

Post your unpopular opinions about realm here
1 More Star to White

A “reeducation” camp might be just the thing

or a all paid vacation to one of Canada’s beautiful coal mines



All according to plan. Now I don’t have to deal with the upcoming unnatural disaster that is x-mas-pika-ism. :sunglasses:


are you implying that this crisis won’t be averted by our supreme le- president?


No, but I am implying he’ll be getting bad press with each failure as he fumbles through it. :sunglasses:


Burn the pikas at the stake


If you can’t beat them, join them!


I can beat them.
I will beat them.


I died.


i thought that was niegil’s job


if someone has to beat u, he has to kill u first >:)


In all seriousness, I’m ok with you guys being Pikachu.

But can you not copy my pic? I can’t tell who’s who by their profiles anymore :frowning:


man i got all these rubber condoms bullets but don’t know who to shoot now


i got infected with the pikaplague after trying to get rid of them :frowning:

2 Year Anniversary! (Forums)

lel haha

stars also matter