The Private Realm


ok so i was playing RotMG with a friend one day while in a voice chat on FB when i had the idea of a private realm inside the actual game(making it not a “stolen” code copy). this realm would be either tucked into a corner in the realm room, or in the vault somewhere. in this realm, nothing would count to the main public realm. you would be able to spawn in enemies/items/dungeons, increase your stats, and increase your level, while not risking losing your hard work in public. this realm would save your progress so that any event gods already beaten would stay beaten and you could play through the entire realm by yourself. another idea would be to make party servers with special passwords so that you can play with your friends(they would be run the same way as the private servers).


MMO RPG isn’t sandbox game


While an interesting idea, I don’t think it would be a good idea for Realm. Interaction with other players is a big part of it! If you want to try to do some of these events solo, you can often find near-empty servers in the middle of the “night” (based on the rough location of the server).

One thing I would personally enjoy is some way to practice fighting bosses. I am picturing some sort of control hub where you can choose the enemy you want to fight, or perhaps even entire dungeons, and it would give you a mock-up one. Identical in every way except that it gives 0 exp or fame, and if you drop to 0 hp you get reset to the Nexus instead of dying. Even this, though, I think would break the game too much. Just picture being able to practice rushing a particular dungeon hundreds of times with no gap time in-between, and no fear of death. It would really break the game, honestly.

Cool idea, but I do not think it should be implemented.


You are talking about private servers a lot lately, you know give the mmorpg a chance, you need to experience it


i’ve played RotMG for almost three years now. the only reason i’ve been thinking about private servers is because of this idea. i think they should really impliment a way to practice that doesnt cost anything(unlike the arena) so that when you lag a lot and your game crashes it costs you nothing


you will either a) learn to deal with it or b) go on pservers and get caught and banned


r ya kinda saying like a try-out/practice room?


Training areas have been suggested

Im a strong believer of learn through experiences


Is this your alt account?

If it isn’t, you may have just broke a record: stayed at light blue star for three years of playing.



Like getting popped? XD sounds like fun.


just play on pservers, no one gets banned for playing on those.
you should just look up rotmg pservers
thats how i got experience in the game without actually losing characters
im not a big noob anymore,
but i still like to play on [No names please]

for the mods who read this

i know no names but still people have a right to know it exists and it’s not right to pretend like it doesnt…


Death is something bad, it’s discipline from the mistakes you made by playing, you learn a whole lot more from permadeath because you lost something that you may have spent countless hours building.


Can’t the server be exploited for event kills???


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