The Regular Bridge


It’s tomorrow in my land (EDT)
Maybe thats when they decide
or who knows


It doesn’t give me ze tag thou :C


go to bed
maybe when wake up you can have reg tag


If you want the tag you have to set it in your preferences. (It’s called title there)

When I see a nasty stain on the pavement, I might wish I had a high-pressure water jet cleaning tool thing in my weightless backpack to clean it up. With Regular, I do.

That’s not why I wanted regular though, just figured it’d not take a lot of effort to get it since I spent so much time on the forums anyways. So I asked it in the Regular Bridge thread and I was right :slight_smile:

It also gives your words a little more imaginary weight. So I figured, why not.

Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?

you have a sprinkler.

Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?

Hmm, okay it’s not a high-pressure cleaning tool, maybe I should say something like a board that you can put over the stain so that people aren’t annoyed by the stain and it can be removed professionally by people who are skilled at handling high-pressure cleaning tools later.

I don’t think a sprinkler would do anything to a nasty stain tbh. Maybe it’d provide it with water so that something can grow on it, but that’s about it.

Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?

No, reading a post will do



Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?

Someone call?

Also yay I have the tag
I’m officially wasting my life


Did anybody get the notification?




I got a notification on the “unread” section, but no.


Nope. Was that supposed to give us one?




So this should alert everyone?



If it would be enabled.




Wrong, these 63k also include those by the mods


Ah, that kinda makes sense. Would that also include every thread-close / mod-activity?


I know I’m already a reg but…