The Regular Bridge


Is I close doc master


Ya’ll need to diversify what you’re looking at on the forum. It’s like people visit only forum games or other big threads and nothing more.

@newt and most others in general.


What’s wrong with forum games >:c


There’s a variety of metrics used to measure trust level 3, aka Regular. Among them are the number of threads you’ve visited in the last 100 days. Some people have viewed tons of posts and have visited for 100’s of days, but they’ve only viewed like 100 topics in total. You’re not a forum regular if you’re only an Off Topic regular. I’ve been considering tweaking the requirements to put more emphasis on being a regular participant in discussions, not just a regular lurker like it’s sorta designed today. We’ll probably see several people get bumped out as a result, though.


Oh yeah been meaning to ask. Why did I get regular at 50 days?


50% x 100 days = 50 days.


Crazy math stuff :stuck_out_tongue:


@Doc How much longer before I get reg? It didn’t feel like this long when I got it to begin with xD


Couple more days, and…


Cool thx!




Continuing the discussion from The General Chat Thread:

Use the :heart: feature more. :wink:


Why the fuck did I loose reg?!?!


Flags, 6 flags (not including off topic flags) = no reg


Whatever you say.


And how do I get reg back?


100 Days…


If you’re out by flags, you’ll have to wait until the oldest ones expire. All I can see is the counter, though, so I can’t say how long that will be.

  1. Gets extremely salty at SirSpud for getting him kicked out of a guild

  2. Declares a jihad against all Regulars (I guess because nobody cared about his stupid feud)

  3. Gets even saltier when people get tired of his shit and flag his ass back to Member

Only joke I see here is you.

Just calm your ass down.


Pfft, the ASSstillary was just a massive circle jerk anyway