The Regular Bridge


According to curlip I qualify for regular :open_mouth:

I dont trust his judgement very much so can someone look at my stats and tell me if heā€™s right (I dont know the exact criteria for it)


Behave when you get the badge notice, mā€™kay? :wink:



Starting a countdown rn lol

So happy xD


The warm and fuzzy feeling inside, awwwww /s


I never post these days, and I rarely posted back when I got regular.

You just have to be a lurker, thatā€™s all


This is really old, but has

really gone down so much to where itā€™s at ~10k?




Interesting. The mod dashboard shows that @OmegaDeity has viewed 22k posts and @Clactipede has viewed over 33k posts in the past 100 days, well over the required threshold of 16k.

I donā€™t know how Discourse calculates the numbers that it calculates.


So does that mean the actual realmeye profile interfaces arenā€™t updating? (or not updating quickly enough)


looks like its a case of viewed vs read


Well itā€™s finnaly happended Iā€™ve arrived. I guess Iā€™ve been slowly building up to point I am now comrade regular ready to severe the motherland which is the forums. Hrr na ně!


hi how close me i am to regular trust level


4.2 miles. Lurk more.


what about me?


Not happening: you been flagged too much.





But itā€™s not my fault! You guys flag the posts. You have no one to blame but yourselves. :wink:


So his flags donā€™t count over a 100 days, but just mean permanent exclusion from the Regular club?


Iā€™m pretty sure once you reach con current Five Flags even once they expire you can no longer be a regular


If current quantity and frequency trends continue then thereā€™s a hole that one cannot dig out of.


@Scorchmist @Efnuigtuyjsegzfu? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s others too.