The Regular Bridge


how close to losing reg?


Your about as far as the length of that post :stuck_out_tongue:


Not close enough. :wink:


Someday I’ll become a regular :sunglasses:


Heyyyyyyy I fell again @Doc what caused me to lose reg?


You visit, but when you’re here you don’t read outside your few favorite threads. You’ve viewed less than 5% of all the threads on the forum, so the system doesn’t think you’re browsing is diverse enough to think your a regular visitor of the forum as a whole.


Inactivity has taken my reg @moderators what do I need to regain?





I didn’t know if I needed more posts read on recent topics or something


Yep. Seems like a lot of regulars are gravitating toward visiting only their favorite topics, thus lowering their consumption of the forum as a whole, and losing their regular status as a result. Which is by design and something I personally like. Long gone are the days of post-count-only ranks. :smiley:


Tbh I expect to be losing my regular status relatively soon, as my first year of university will start soon and I probably won’t have time to browse the forums a lot.


Hmm, so I’m still regular, but have been pretty inactive for ~2 weeks now.
I need to not meet the requirements in the last 100 days if I’m gonna lose reg.
So I’ll stay reg for about 1-2 months still?


You’ll be out by topics viewed before you’re out by time. You’re at 77/100 days.


im actually very curious,

how close am i to losing reg, i think i shouldve failed like most of by now, but it just doesnt want to leave me.

if u dont want to answer, u dont need to, i dont care that much. ill just wait and see


Around 2 weeks to go…


doc ock, how close


Lurk more.


Is I close doc master


Ya’ll need to diversify what you’re looking at on the forum. It’s like people visit only forum games or other big threads and nothing more.

@newt and most others in general.