The Tome of The Beyond


Tome of The Beyond


A tome made by the celestials, a race in which the void entity onced belonged to, but he was banished from the realm and sent to the void where he will stay forever. It’s extreme healing abilities come from it’s threads of time and how it draws power straight from the celestial battery itself.


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost: 30
  • Cooldown: 6 SEC/ 1 Minute
  • Range: 3.5 (Which is radius)
  • Effect: Removes all status effects (If quiet MP will cost 0 mana but will activate the 1 minute cooldown) (Effect on self)
  • Stat Bonus: +1 DEF/ATT/SPD/DEX/WIS/VIT +10 HP/MP
  • Special properties: No Healing properties
  • Fame Bonus: 7%
  • Feed Power: 1500

Drops From:

  • Celestial God Agalon (Not real enemy)

More info

This is a tome that is a bit risky to use sure it provides no healing what so ever however it depends on the person that is using it that would determine if it is effective or not. It is a puri except it does not heal and it removes ALL status effects meaning that if you have things such as healing, beserk etc, upon activation of the tome it will remove your good status effects as well so it isn’t extremely broken. I might find the time to make Agalon an enemy page or add it to this page.


Without healing this tome would be just worse puri. I know, it can remove quiet but it’s just not good enough.
Maybe something like quiet immunity could work better.


This doesn’t seem useful


it doesn’t heal, and it removes positive status effects too
can’t think of any reason i’d use this over puri or geb.


Have to agree with the replies. I’d say instead create a new effect Status Immune to self which basically makes you immune to all effects good or bad while you can still take damage. Also it should be able to heal allies still as otherwise there is no reason to use it over puri.

There should be a hefty cooldown for the item but makes it very situational against things like quiet. Your idea of defending against quiet with a massive cooldown is a massive nerf and isn’t a good balance.

Do note the status immune effect will not remove and good buffs or bad buffs that existed before the usage of the tome. So it will take a high skill tier for a priest to be able to utilize this tome to protect itself from quiet and other debuffs while protecting his homies from dying. If you miss the timing it is useless, why don’t I just say I’m making this priest oreo :wink:

Tl’dr Like the idea that there should be a tome which protects the priest from being quiet. Add status immune for 2 seconds to self and add healing. Make cooldown 4 seconds.


What is this, an infinity stone?


Just got an idea if not already made… bracer reskin INFINITY GAUNTLET. DECA please make this a thing.





Btw sprite looks quite messy, take this:


Useless piuri is better


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