The ultimate on how to get rich with 0 effort


yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


First of all, this may work given a couple circumstances.

  1. The given player is competent at dodging and can handle the lag. There is NO way to complete a void without some dodging skill. Also, bringing a lvl 20 with t4 armor wont cut it. The same can be said to mbc and cults.
  2. The player can still extend their account while doing lh. Doing lost halls without too much care for your character will hurt chances to be successful in realm, especially in new players.

Also I would like to point out that pub halls(which is what you are referencing) is not the best for halls as it may teach new players that are unable to get ā€œrichā€ to leech. Leeching is prominent in pub halls because there are so many people to carry the group.
I personally disagree with this post for one main reason however. It is because it seems that farming halls and merching is not the correct way to play this game. Repeatedly doing halls and only stopping to merch will hurt development in new players(which seems to be the target audience as they are usually the ones without wealth). They wont get to experience the standard dungeons like udls, sprites, ddocks, cdepths, shatters, etc. like the rest of us do. Because of that, I would only suggest this post to an experienced player who has already experienced other dungeons to a good amount.
It would also hurt their ability to max characters by making them focus on purely equipment like this person.


not referencing pubs, referencing private raids aka discord raids with raid leaders


gg blue star makes guide


I am getting really triggered looking at this post and seeing how people havenā€™t pointed out all the stupid things so here I go


proceeds to explain:


thatā€™s not even an exaggeration
itā€™s just a blatant lie.


Thereā€™s a difference between doing a raid and leeching your way through one.
Plus, if itā€™s so easy, why donā€™t you already have all maxed characters?


This is just stupid
You should always value your characters more than the LH run, even if the character is shit. (unless you completely donā€™t care at all and have the wealth equivalent of btl)
Dying and nexusing both get you out of the dungeon, itā€™s just that nexusing saves your character.


first off, you miss out on the game a lot if you plan to max all your stats by only doing lhs.
second off, if everyone did this, then the price of life and mana would drop a ton and this method wouldnā€™t work as well.


maybe in pots, but not in experience in the game, nor other white bags obtained from other dungeons.
basically this is just a really stupid way to try to convince yourself you are good at the game when in reality you still die to sprite worlds and never get past 300 base without halls.


the discord you are referencing is aka pub halls by the realm community. it is known as that because it is open to the public free of reqs. Not pub halls are lh with reqs like lhz, lb, sbc, endgame


i said the exact same thing above lol.




depends on how many people there are. Math tells me there are about 5mil~6mil HP for void when theres a decent group making itā€™s SB threshhold 50k or 60k


Or you can break out mumā€™s credit card.


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