The Vitality Stat


I’ve got a pretty much maxed divine, and I’d be all for just blatantly nerfing pets.

That said, I think your idea is kind of underwhelming and doesn’t really solve the real problem. Going from majorly crappy to slightly less majorly crappy isn’t a real big improvement. Nobody’s gonna be celebrating if the browns go 1-15 this year.

Honestly, I think vit does a fine job on its own and doesn’t really need a buff. Vit serves its purpose by turning yellow when it’s maxed, and as long as it does that, I’m happy with it.


I paid real money for my pet, I dont want the value of that purchase to go down.

This seems like an okay change to vit, but it might be a little OP, it should just follow along with wismod and change something.

Maybe vitmod could change your HP and add a little bit.


“yeah vit sucks but dont buff it at all” BOI


It was an old wise man who once said “No more half measures”.

Making everything better isn’t a solution to any problem this game has, but if you’re gonna do it, you gotta do it in a satisfying way that’s not just insulting to the average player.


Little typo


I mean, IMO atleast I’d rather have a small buff to something then have it remain completely useless indefinitely.


I didn’t outright say it, but I hinted at Vitality’s usefulness late game in old RotMG at the end of those paragraphs. Potions are a big deal for early game, but their effectiveness diminishes in late game for multiple reasons, so it made plenty of sense for Vit to be a valuable potion then.

That wasn’t really the point of those paragraphs, old RotMG isn’t relevant today. All it was meant to do was provide a reference point.


Percentage healing based on max health or health remaining is problematic in that it relies on two stats for healing, not just Vitality. The greater your health, the greater your heal regardless of your Vit.


Yeah, I’ll be around for a bit, that’s for sure!

I wasn’t getting at pet stasis being a blunt reaction to pets, like I said, it is very indirect, which is why it is widely accepted by the community versus the other options. The less blunt a nerf is and the more blunt a buff is, the better.

Err, I still can’t see Vit being fine as is though. Even if pet stasis was a very common thing low Vitality will clash with the end game content of today’s RotMG, as it was balanced around the content of the endgame content of old RotMG. Projectiles do more damage nowadays and the old Vitality cannot keep up with it so now it requires a crutch, pets.

I’m also conditioned by today’s RotMG into playing fast paced and risky… So there is some bias to this. It keeps people with a lower attention span in RotMG though.


I’ve thought through the current concepts of a Vit mod, and determined that each one is flawed in some way. I stated somewhere that Vitality boosting HP in any way would infringe on the usefulness of HP.

As of now I can’t see a problem with boosting the heal per Vit- other than that people are suggesting that the rate it heals is okay as it is, despite Vitality’s current state? I dunno, this is a really weird topic now imo.


Slow and steady wins the race? Easing into a solution was a secondary goal for that suggestion. (Which I need to edit the main post to depict my current thoughts on this topic…)


Thanks for catching that, I’ll fix it soon.


Yes but max or high level pets are hard to get for a f2p. Making Vit a useless stat, so we could just scale the pets with vit


I propose that vitality reduce the duration of debuffs to the player. It could work as a fixed number ie. Reduce debuff duration by .02 seconds/vitality or it could reduce the duration by a percentage. This helps players stay alive (the purpose of vit) without increasing how much players heal which upsets game balance. This would affect conditions like armor broken, pet stasis, weakened, paralyzed etc. Thoughts?


Another thing some players have argued for is that they are too familiar with certain debuff times and that the gap between classes with low vitality and high vitality would be too extreme. I believe that is an awful reason, and I don’t understand it except for a few debuffs such as confuse and darkness.

Otherwise, I believe that regardless of the outcome this would hardly make a difference to debuffs, therefore not making Vitality any more useful, or making too much of a difference to debuffs, to the point their base duration is simply too long in order to allow room for improvement.

I find this is one of the less flawed concepts for buffing Vit, and the least flawed concept ought to be considered.


Everyone knows vit is useless, there are a bunch of discussions about it, everyone has different opinions, this idea has probably been said before, but whatever let’s keep the conversation going.

My vit idea is a healing modifier, where 40 vit would mean all healing recieved is x1,0 and at 75 vit it would be x1,25. This is a minor low impact change, but it would make the statt feel usefull at least. Share thought below this is just a rough idea.


wouldn’t that be too op?


That healing modifier should not affect pets then.


If it doesn’t apply to pets I think it should be scaled a bit higher, maybe 1,3x or 1,35x


I don’t thinkk that vit is badd, but I thinkk that Petss are too overpoweredd


Instead of just granting passive health regeneration, I feel vitality should also reduce the durations of CC against the user. This would make it a lot more useful to max, since a lot of endgame dungeons are very heavy in their debuffs they inflict.

For an example, every 5 VIT grants a 1% reduction in CC durations against the user.

Different values for maxed VIT and their % reduction:

30 VIT (6% reduction)

40 VIT (8% reduction)

75 VIT (15% reduction)


what the heck is CC


crowd-control. effects like slows and paralyze.


oh ok


This could work and see some potential
like you get passive tenacity per 5 vit not really broken at all and it gives some insentive to play sorc