The Wedding of Black and Menichko and more!


Well I found this while farming the godlands, looking for abyss till I found this. But I did record more even after the wedding, also gave suggestion of spongebob vanity or a memory to the spongebob creator. Hope that happens, anyway hope you enjoy this wedding and my trash recording of it.


I think you did a great job with the recording. Although admittedly, the editing could’ve used a little bit more work.


yeah I was lazy af



ot ot


:smiley: No idea when this was, but I sure do love me some ot’s.


They still do weddings in game??


cough Shameless self promotion cough

@InfamousX Might want to take some inspiration from my editing.


I guess @Wilhuff is my idol


admins real-time shitposting smh my head

he even used /osay or whatever the command is on prod





TBH IDK how to help my dude…


Oryx: “sweet”



no Menichko did that lmao


but how…


well he used his admin thing, i don’t know. Commands?


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