The Whine Cellar


Why is it that the whine cellar generally contains the most intertaining posts. Also, is there a place where you put bad posts that aren’t exactly “whines”?


most posts in the wc are placed there because they fulfill one or more of 4 main criteria:

  • toxic
  • whining
  • trolling
  • witchhunting

whether they are entertaining or not varies from person to person and such a phrase is highly subjective

What the fuck is the Whine Cellar

Is there a criteria for what makes a post toxic?


that is at the discretion of mods or regulars, although regulars generally hold back from moving posts


Something that has no point and all its aim to do is cause mayhem and anger


Regulars can move posts?





Doc sums it up the whine cellar well here:


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