The White Bag Thread v2


So moving.


May I buy skin? Pluwuease ):

Also Event Loot:


Glawi: 100x loot booster


puri time :smiley:




Hatching image (If you didn’t do it already) would also unlock a humanoid skin for your pet wardrobe, though that might not be important to you, and of course might get one you dislike or if v. unlucky one you already have.

White bags from the Valentine Event. I didn’t go in Bellas, except one for 15 seconds on an alt, cause that shit is too lethal now. :skull: :coffin:


DIdnt play during the event but hey now I have both the helm and the ring




Do you main warrior?



sees glawi in latest oh god no


yes i do


Nice 3000 fp





i didn’t take a picture of it but it was scepter


Not calling you a list but… I can think of a lot of things to do with totally a white bag :smiley:


i can take a picture of it in my vault. i was so surprised when i got it i only took the mana out, i was lagging the entire dungeon so i stayed in the hallway and only spellbombed the boss