The White Bag Thread v2




The face you make when all you want is a crystal sword, but the game keeps giving you crystal wands.

No seriously, this is like the 10th cwand in a row from the prisoner.



Can you record some of your gameplay? I tried on a pretty high end big screen phone but it’s still soooooo hard. Any tips?

Also how do you save settings on puffin?


I have no recording software for it.


you don’t.


really the only exciting parts of my ppe, halls luck is trash and i haven’t been motivated enough to play


Do u use puffin?


nvm guess u do


don’t be mean to him or he might drag on you


plus u posted a burger on discord this proves my statement



So, I teleported to some dudes fighting the Nest and realized it was on the final beehemoth. I blindly shot a quiver in its direction, hoping to have MAYBE hit it. After it died 2 seconds later, I assumed I didn’t hit it, or didn’t reach sb, but I was instead pleasantly surprised.

Yes, I know its not a white, but I’ve been hunting for one of these for quite some time now.


i see the reference xd


i need your luck. i have like 7-8 cswords and 0 cwands



omg red ba…wait


Feelsbadman. Nerf non-Ubhp rings in red bags.


And then a few days later…

Here’s some other misc. whites for the past month:

Picture was taken late, but I got my first Mseal

and lastly, pretty juicy loot from a small cult, don’t want to flood too much photos in one post~


Was not expecting.


ppe btw.

