The White Bag Thread v2


you mean Weird Cropping lul




I tried to get a better one, but I was using the stupid rectangle mode instead of windowed. So I started panicking and took that small shot so I wouldn’t lose my seal :<



*gets cutlass
<Smirror> katana
<Smirror> sorry i mean dagger


apparently I can get it from some random epic chest and not a fucking ivory wyvern


i got the doku at the same time as my brother (but he was using a lucky clover so he was cheating)


3 brains 0 garments, fml



I think that’s a first for me 0u0
Pretty neat that I got it on this PPE-but-with-a-weaker-pet.




hhhheck yes


Working on a tier-progression samurai atm. I determined beforehand that I wouldn’t use any ut items until I had a wc top in that category (i.e. t12 katana before ut katana).





What about lh tops?


I tend not to do lh because it gets too laggy and doing it in the realm takes way too long for my liking. I may do them eventually, but for the most part, I think they’re boring.




Oh cool!
(feeding it lmao)