The White Bag Thread v2







Nice milk :wink:


This will probably be my only post in this thread


Just when you thought your eyes had adjusted from the orange Nest spam a couple of weeks ago, realised I didn’t post mine:

Aimed to get the Stinger as I hadn’t had one before, hence starting with lootpots on. I used to enjoy Bone Dagger a lot, so these Stingers should get some use. Not so sure the helm will get use, but nice to cross another one off the wb list.

And from Easter, got a helm, never had that before either, and 2x skins as drops, so a pity the one from the eggs quest was the same skin:

And some Machines, sword&STarmour, wand, dagger:


back to back lib whites


First orange on 256 Cursed Library Completions



Well I had 2 of those so…


I’m too lazy to post pictures but a week ago I got a void quiver on my 5th void and then right after I went into a shatters and got my first bracer :slight_smile:


Got jugg on warrior ppe

Then an Ogmur like 15 minutes later, while still trying to melt getting that Jugg… It was the first event god I killed after the Hermit too.


Make sure to run some LHs and upload the PPE to YT, it’s on its way dang



First jugg. On my birthday C:


Happy Birthday!


WHY IS EVERYONE GETTING A JUGG :frowning: Please oh deca bless me with a jugg or ogumr


Dang, that assassin really likes daggers


First library I have ever done, got the waki by shooting a random mob on the way to the boss, and got the ST bow :hibiscus: