The White Bag Thread v2


wait regular shatters drops ice crown now? i seriously hope that regular crown can still drop for shatts event and the chest hopefully drops regular crown as well


I’m pretty sure for winter resks both the original and skinned item drop


good fp x)


time to post all my old whites
nice jugg 2
^ double void white
omni from void chest


just some highlights


my void event:


My void event

Nothing to show


@Noll black pointy hat



Where’s my qot…


I wanted reg crown.



You will get a QoT after you accept my friend request


I’d rather not get one than do that.


around 15 shatters wow much better than the last shatters event


10k fame worth of halls? Damn.



yay…my 4th bracer…

As @Ecookied knows, I tossed it cause I don’t need a 4th one that I’m never going to use. And also, 500 fp? Really?





Also, yay been needing one of these and its probably take me around 100 sprites.More than I wanted to do…


Then he realises his backpack is full…
lul I made it so small you can’t see it

