The White Bag Thread v2


3rd chest uwu


Very next chest


first conflict yay


So you’re saying you’ve never had a conflict in your life up until now?

Is it possible to learn this power?


well I got one from keyper, but I don’t count that




Think this is the first I’ve had as a drop. Now need a Tinkerer quest to make an Entropy Reactor with it.



ppe lut



At first I thought that was a skin not a ring lmfao


My first shatters chest


I guess this isnt too impressive, but first dungeon since my probably year long break gives me an ST and a Masamune for my ninja. Good stuff.


AND a Doom Bow? You spoil me, Deca.


seeing the other player that was in and the fact I was late, that was a surprise



And this first void today :). Not the one I wanted but I’ll take it.

Back to back whites. Also not what I wanted, but again I’ll take it.

And to add onto the string of whites. This could have been a much better white, but once again it’s not terrible but I’ll take it.


finally :slight_smile:


laughs in not Fountain Child pet skin


Skin is in old mark bag


I thought it was cyan? Idk because you tend to get pots if you’re lucky enough to get skins