The White Bag Thread v2



b2b cfeed

and 2 ot’s after
and 2 more ot’s later


full set acquired


Can’t access the game right now but

got a qot earlier :wink:


12 sacrifices made this star possible






Ah i see.



@moloch is turning in his sleep.






I heard these were rarer than jugg…

What exactly do I do with it? Not storing bc no space

  • Feed it
  • Hatch it

0 voters

Edit: I guess I’ll hatch it for the hype :smiley:


what is the FP? I see you already have H/MH/Ele, in your case I would feed it if FP is good


56 fame mseal on Paladin PPE :blush:


Depends on your pet yard, unless you have a legendary pet yard I would just feed. (You can’t hatch it unless you have the appropriate level of pet yard)


Me: Feed it to my pet



Keep in mind that the pet, upon hatching, will become a 70/x/y, and this can (I believe) result in 70/1/1. This will be a pain in the butt to max later, if the levels come out at their minimums.

Legendary eggs have 3000 fp each, making them a good pet food item.