The White Bag Thread v2






bro I got my white at lvl 3


But a ripper is rarer than a dbow


It no longer drops from phylactery bearers. It drops from Haunted Spirits.


old school whites


Im not comparing how rare an item is at a certain level Im just trying to see who got a white at a lesser level than me


I believe that the Bow of the Void, the Ripper, and the DBow shares the same rate. Just, their rarity and difficulty is not the same.


Like how hard a dungeon is? Such as how udls you can do more, while the cdepths and void are more difficult to do more of.



A UDL white bag…now that’s something I haven’t seen in a long time…


First resu!


Got it from a epic chest.



literally the next run


got my first robe, not sure if it is good, thoughts? :thinking:


It’s considered to be the best dps robe in the game while having almost no drawback, also provide a small bit of mp and wis to help with ability usage, best use on classes such as wizard to maxemize his already strong dps, also it looks really cool.


tks for the info GRIMTAN :smiley:


seems nice