The White Bag Thread v2


Well i really wanted a skin for my assassin, but i’ve never thought it would be this one !


wow this thread is almost at 10,000 replies again. Can’t wait for the endless people trying to create new white bag threads for clout


Yes indeed.


Not the bow :frowning:


First WC.


Ok, I’ll take it :slight_smile:


Deathless from ST chest! …On a Knight PPE though.


Hmm yes you told me this yesterday



edit: it’s a white i suppose.



Thoughtlessly labeled for your convenience?


not sure what to say about it, any thoughts?


It’s alright.


ugh k



first double white :slight_smile:


Got this from the 80 notes quest:



Oh yes finally holy shit

After 1 year of farming the set !!


After that,

Hyeperion luck ?


What no please stop ty

3 runs, 3 things i wanted for so long


First Oreo and Kageboshi! Happy they were not from the Keyper…just something much more special about getting them to drop from the original locations. Great to have the Oreo for upcoming O3, too!