The White Bag Thread v2


I am so sick of this staff man


Eyyyyy, first Colo item.


Never fails, I only get DBow when I can’t actually use it


Sorry for the white bag spam, but staaafffffff


Can you believe the last ss is not a hammer? :OO





@Glawi on average how many white bags do you get a day?




its funny because i always get 0s from ava and suddenly this
also thats my first none motmg event white which i also thought was kinda funny


Also, to @Laserquest, I didn’t mean to reply to you, so i deleted that


its fine


Didn’t mean to reply to him
Pings him anyway


I just can’t leave this thread alone I guess

I got this after running 10 dungeons and getting complete 0’s. I guess RNGesus felt I was overdue for something


ThatzRavo not found
thatzravo not found


Yeaaahh, he found a troom and I got 0. That meant I had run 9 udls before hand with 0’s and a 0 here. I may have whined a little in chat and he called me getting a white bag. Wanted to tell him he was right lol


ppe btw


Nice poison fang dagger


reflecting back on this, it seems like the forum has been a little more active than it was during the last wb thread. conveniently enough, there are around 1020 posts atm, so by my estimates this thread is going to close in approximately a year, just in time for the end of next motmg.


Yeah, but we did just have multiple chest events, 2x drop rate and more happening.